Privacy Policy

Steptacular does not share any data with any third parties. 

Steptacular's use and transfer of information received from Google APIs adheres to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

What types of data is collected?

The following types of data are collected and stored for app use only:

Sign up details

The details you enter on signup (firstname, lastname, username, email) are stored. Your firstname, lastname and username allow other users to search for your account to add you as a friend. Your password is stored salted and hashed so it can't be unencrypted or breached. 

Data collected from your phone

Steptacular asks your phones health subsystem for daily step counts for the last two weeks each time you open the app. This data is provided by Apple Health on iOS devices and Google Fit on android devices. No other health data is requested or collected. This data is stored along with a device ID from your device to associate the steps with your steptacular user account and device. No identifying information about your device is read or stored. 

Data generated while using the app

Most actions done in the app require saving data to the server. EG: adding a friend links those two accounts together with a friendship, starting a step challenge with someone records that step challenge. All of this is just the basic data required for the app to work. 

Third Party Data Sharing and Analytics

No analytics data or third party data is collected or shared by Steptacular. If that ever changes in future there will be a big notice as soon as you open the updated app but I'm not planning on doing anything like that. 

How to remove your data

Simply use the contact form to request your account be completely removed. We will send a verification email to the address you signed up with then upon confirmation remove all of your data from the service.